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JeleBebeTeething Jewellery
JeleBebeTeething Jewellery

Hello, I am Theamari! JeleBebe launched in January of 2016, 6 months after our son was born. I soon noticed a need for beautiful, modern, fashionable silicone teething jewellery.

I enjoy it so much to keep my creative side busy and love to design beautiful collections!
We aim to design jewellery for every meme’s needs, making beautiful different jewellery designs, working hard, and living our dream! God is the reason to it all. He is my daily inspiration and my creativity is the biggest gift He could give me.

We are a fresh approach to silicone teething jewellery, offering a wide variety of styles and colors with pricing to fit all memes pockets while being completely safe for their bebes to touch, pull, and teethe on.

We strive to create unique, functional and stylish accessories that set us apart in quality and practicality of design. For example, you will notice our necklaces have exposed cord along the neck, no beads there means they will not catch your hair while being worn, yay!

The necklaces also come with a ‘pop’ clasp which means that bebe can pull it off your neck without breaking your stylish accessory piece. the beads have knots to either sides ensuring they stay together should the cord break which is highly unlikely. We hope you enjoy our jewelry; our goal is to make the teething stage a bit more bearable for your bebe while looking awesome on you, memme!

Our family as well as the business grew over the years that we now have a daughter as well and that the business has a lot of new products for moms and babies to benefit from. We now have our extremely popular 3in1 silicone teething dummy clips and you can even personalise it by put your little one’s name on them and choosing specific themes and colours to best suit the nursery.

We even developed our original Jelebebe Teething Rattles which makes great teething and sensory development toys. And then there is our Baltic Amber products too from Northern Europe which gives a fresh approach to teething the natural way. And the best of it all is that I am testing all our products on my own kids – they are also the reason for a lot of our new ideas / products. ?

We are business with a purpose. Not only is this my business but also a ministry. We as Moms need to stand together and make sure that we speak life not only over our families but especially our husbands and our marriages. We have the authority to speak life over our lives and everyone in it. We also have the BIGGEST tool namely Prayer. Please don’t think for one moment that I am perfect, or that I have a perfect life or perfect husband – I don’t! But we are two imperfect individuals who love each other perfectly. And so  can you through His grace.


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