My baby has swollen gums. When will the teeth start to show?
If your baby’s gums are swollen and you can feel a tooth beginning to erupt underneath, it is most likely normal swelling and it should go down after the tooth cuts through (this usually takes 1-7 days per tooth). If you notice abnormal swelling (red or blue coloured gums or no appearance of a tooth erupting underneath) or sores on your baby’s gums, contact your paediatrician.
How long does it take for the first tooth to come out?
There is no exact answer as to how long it takes for the first tooth to cut through, however estimates are anytime between 1-7 days per tooth. Sometimes babies can grow multiple teeth at once, so it may seem like teething is taking a lot longer.
My baby is drooling and chewing on things, does this mean he / she is teething?
Drooling and chewing on hands and objects is normal as your baby grows, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that your baby is teething. Often, parents confuse the increase of salivary production (at around 3 months old) with teething, however, the only sure indication of teething is when you can actually see or feel the emerging teeth.
Does teething cause a fever?
In short, no. Research has found that there is no significant association between teething and an increase in a baby’s temperature. Rather, the reason that fever is so commonly attributed to teething is due to the fact that the start of the teething period (generally 6 months old) coincides with the time that babies start to get more infections, as there is a decrease in antibodies that they receive from their mother.
Is teething causing my baby to wake up during the night?
Teething may cause your baby discomfort and irritation which could lead to periods of wakefulness during the night. However, if your baby doesn’t appear affected by teething discomfort during the day, the wakefulness at night may not be the result of teething.
Other reasons for disturbed sleep could be the new skills that your baby is learning such as rolling over and sitting up, which he or she may be practicing at night without being able to settle down again.
Can teething cause a loss in appetite?
Yes, however, the change in your baby’s appetite occurs due to the discomfort of teething. Your child’s gums will become sore and inflamed as a tooth pushes through, which can make your baby’s mouth start to hurt. This discomfort is ultimately what may turn your baby off eating.
Does teething pain last for extended periods of time before a tooth appears?
Teething only causes irritation around the time your baby’s tooth is about to break through the gum. Teething pain generally lasts for only a couple of days, so longer periods of discomfort (commonly associated with teething) may be caused by something else.
It should also be remembered that your baby has 20 milk teeth that will emerge over 2 years, and these will all cut through at different times, which may make it seem like the pain and irritability can last for months.
Can teething cause diarrhea?
Current medical opinion is that there is no evidence of a link between teething and problems with the alimentary tract. The most likely reason is that teething children are prone to pick up and chew on bacteria ridden objects that ultimately cause diarrhea. Remember, the teething phase coincides with the time period that babies are most susceptible to infections.
Read more https://www.bellamysorganic.com.au/blog/how-long-does-teething-last/